미국 간호사 시험(N-clex)248 [N-clex] antiplatelet(clopidogel) indicate) - stroke, MI, unsatble angina S/E) - G-I distress(with meal, QD) - hepatotoxicity(LFT f/u) - bleeding(hold 5~7d before operation) - not with PPIs(~prazole) 약효과 감소시킴 2021. 6. 23. [N-clex] 재난간호 - 3d water 1Gallon/person/d (replace q3mon) - 3d non-perishable food (replace q6mon) - 1st aid kit - prescription drug(adequate supply) - battery radio - flash light - ID - emergency contact - meeting place - allergy, medical information 2021. 6. 23. [N-clex] SLE(systemic lupus erythematosus, 루푸스병) Tx) - topical, systemic corticosteroid - Aspirin, NSAIDs - Immunosuppressent - 증상완화 2021. 6. 23. [N-clex] hypothy roidism Sx) - apathy, lethargy, weakness - muscleache, paresthesia - intolerance to cold - anorexia, wt.gain(대사↓) - dry skin, hair - loss of body hair - V/S↓, constipation(G-I↓) - puffness(푸석푸석), edema around eyes - forgetfulness(자주 잊음), CHF, chol↑ - nails : think & brittle (hyper : thin & brittle) - hoarseness(husk voice) - anemia - bruise easily - amenorrhea / menorrhagia (반복) 2021. 6. 23. 이전 1 ··· 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 ··· 62 다음