미국 간호사 시험(N-clex)248 [N-clex] compartment sydrome(구획증후군) 6P Sx) P ain P aresthesia P alloer P ararlysis P ulselessness P oikilothermia(cooler than other) 2021. 6. 18. [N-clex] β-blocker - β1-block : PR↓, stop 50↓ - β2-block : bronchspasm(caution : Asthma) - mask Sx hypoglycemia - libido↓, impotence - Tx for HTN, prevent migraine HA - 복용 : 식전 or 자기전, crush가능 2021. 6. 18. [N-clex] Incontinence - stress incontinence : weak perineal muscle(다산 등) - Urge incontinence : involuntary elemination with strong preceive need to void - Functional incontinence : 인지, 환경문제, physiology는 정상 - overflow incontinence : 방광이 가득차서 넘쳐 흘러나옴 - neurogenic incontinence : spinal cord damage 2021. 6. 18. [N-clex] fectal impaction - liquid stool(stool leak) - abd.pain - urge to defecate - bloating - appetited - N/V - pressure on bladder 2021. 6. 18. 이전 1 ··· 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 ··· 62 다음