미국 간호사 시험(N-clex)248 [N-clex] MAP(mean arterial pressure) 정의 : average pressure in systemic circulation throughout cardiac cycle (몸 전체에 받는 평균 혈관압력) MAP = (SBP + DBP x 2) / 3 2021. 6. 7. [N-clex] Cane, crutch 보행 Up with Good 1st Down with Bad 1st(cane, crutch) - cane, crutch with affected leg ex) Lt.Fx or 마비, cane(정상, Rt적용) Up : Rt -> Lt with cane(Rt) Down : Lt with cane(Rt) -> Lt 2021. 6. 7. [N-clex] V-tach EKG - no P wave - HR 140~250회 - QRS widen 0.10sec↑ - PR interval not measurable - CO↓ 2021. 6. 7. [N-clex] 고혈압관찰 Intra aterial blood pressure - radial(요골), brachial(상완), femoral(대퇴) 2021. 6. 7. 이전 1 ··· 57 58 59 60 61 62 다음