기존에 게시글들 종합한 자료 입니다!!
추가 자료 필요하신 분은 댓글 달아주세요!!
다들 화이팅 하세요!!
● insulin RI, NPH 조제 방법
RI : short
NPH : Intermediate , not shake, roll, rotate
1, wash hand
2, roll NPH
3, wipe off top
4, withdraw 48unit air
5, air in NPH 36unit
6, air in RI 12unit
7, invert & withdraw 12unit RI
8, withdraw 36unit NPH
● Wound Cx
- old dressing off
- wound clean(죽은세포, 삼출물
- sterile glove
- rotate gently
- push tip(crush & push ampule) + label
- irrigation wound
- new dressing
● Inspirometer
- sitting
- exhale completely
- monthpiece tightly
- inhale slowly → hold 2~3 sec
- exhale slowly
- breath normally short period
- 10회/min
● Allen test
- explain
- pressure on ulnar, radial
- open & close
- release pressure from UA
- Assess color return in 6sec(7,8sec도 ㄱㅊ)
● sputum culture 순서
1) early morning before drink or eat
2) rinse mouth with 물 (입안 헹구기, 검체 오염방지)
3) DB & cough(깊은)
4) collect specimen : 5~10cc
5) lab immediately
● pulse oximeter 순서
1) 기기를 obtain한다
2) 부착부위를 선정한다
3) 부착부위의 capillary refill 테스트
4) 기기를 부착한다
5) 알람을 확인한다
6) correlate 환자 pulse 확인
- 방해요소 : smoking 방금, 황달, motion(움직임), nail polish
● IV 제거
- clamp
- dressing film 제거- dry 거즈
- catheter제거
- 압박(2~3min)
- catheter 확인
- dressing
● IV 시작
- site선택
- 터니켓 적용(4~6inch이상), vein확장(마사지, 주먹잼잼, 톡톡, 따뜻한 moist 타월)
- 소독
- 15~30도 찌르기(dominent hand), 노인 15도 미만 SQ↓, 자주확인필요
/ non-dominent hand : vein stabilize
- blood regurgitation 확인 후 더 밀어넣음
- 살짝 누른 상태 터니켓 제거
- IV tube attach
● Metabolic syndrome
1, FBS(공복시혈당) 100↑
2, abd obesity or abd girth(허리둘레) F 35↑ M40↑ or BMI 30↑
3, Triglyceride 150↑, HDL F50↓, M40↓
4, HTN 130/85↑
● Cane, crutch 보행
Up with Good 1st
Down with Bad 1st(cane, crutch)
- cane, crutch with affected leg
ex) Lt.Fx or 마비, cane(정상, Rt적용)
Up : Rt -> Lt with cane(Rt)
Down : Lt with cane(Rt) -> Lt
● MAP(mean arterial pressure)
정의 : average pressure in systemic circulation throughout cardiac cycle
(몸 전체에 받는 평균 혈관압력)
MAP = (SBP + DBP x 2) / 3
● UGI radiography
- x-ray 검사(barium 조영제 이용)
- position change
- laxative, fluid↑ : barium 배출↑
● latex allergy
- High : Avocado, banana, chestnut, kiwi(tropical fruits)
● 우선순위
A irway
B reath
C irculation
S afety
P ain
E ducation
E motion
● cranial nerve
● GCS scale
8점↓ coma
● Bioterrorism
- intentional attack
- virus, bacterin, other germs
- Anthrax(탄저), botulism, plague(페스트), viral hemorrhogic infection(ebola), small pox, tularemia(야토병)
- easy transmission, high mortality, public panic
● organ donation
- final decision 가족(평소에 가족들한테 기증의사 알려야함)
- 감염, cancer X
- 뇌사 범주의 경우 가능
● 대체의학 CAM(complimentary & Alternative medicine)
1, Yoga
- breathing↑, posture, streching (BP↓, HR↑, respiratory function, anxiety↓)
- manage : MS(Multiple sclerosis), RA (chronic)
2, biofeedback
- learn to control bodyfunction(brain wave, breathing, V/S, muscle relaxtion)
- Tx migrain HA, chronic pain(BP↓)
3, meditation
- self directed pratice to relax body & mind (anxiety↓, pain↓, BP↓)
4, Imaginary
- pain↓, N/V↓, anxiety↓, comfort↑
5, Accupuncture/Accupressure
- meridain(혈) : endorpine↑ → pain↓
6, chiropractic
- mechanical manipalation of spinal column
7, TENS(저주파자극)
- Tx acute, chronic pain
- tingling, vibrating sensation
- X pacemaker, 상처부위, 얼굴 및 호흡기
● Drainage
- 1~3일 뒤 제거, 24hr 30cc ↓ 경우
● postural BP
- 한 포지션 3분
- SBP 20↑ DBP 10↑ : 기립성저혈압(orthostatic hypotension)
● Protection PPD
Donning | Removing (outer>inner / front>back) |
before enter gown maks, N95 goggle gloves |
gown waist tie front - untie gloves goggles gown in room ------------------------------- mask, N95 - lower stirp first |
PPE 벗기
glove - gown - (hand hygiene) and leave the room - close the door - mask - hand hygiene
● Sprain 등
R rest
I ce ~24hr, 24hr~ warm
C ompression
E levation
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