간호243 [N-clex] cystic fibrosis : exocrine gland(외분비선) 분비↓(막히거나 분비가 원활하지 않음) - 상염색체 열성 - malabsortion(tinning hair) : 면역↓, 감염↑ - sweat chloride test(non invasive) : 40↓:normal / 40~60:suggestive / 60↑:confirm - foul smell stool - steatorrhea(지방변) - COPD같은 증상(dyspnea, barrled chest) - 지용성 Vit 흡수↓ (water misible(섞이는) 가능) Tx) - flutter valve : secretion 배출(공 호루라기?) - enzyme : with meal or before meal 30min / after X - 확인법 : short.. 2021. 6. 17. [N-clex] QI PDCA - Plan → Do → Check → Act → Plan ..... - Plan : 3Q what, how, what change modified F ind O rganize C larify U nderstand S election P lan : FOCUS plan 전단계 or plan 단계 D o : 자료분석 C heck : 자료에 따른 해석 : propose, solution A ct : adopt, abandon - ongoing! 2021. 6. 17. [N-clex] tort unintentional tort intentional tort 직무태만 negligene malpractice batter : IV 2번 fail후 환자 거부하였으나 시도 assault : 위협, 안 먹으면 NG tube한다 Invasion of privacy False imprisonment : 억제 Deformation Slander : 말 Deformation libel : 글 2021. 6. 17. [N-clex] Lithium - mineral, mood stable - oral G-I 흡수, kidney 배출 - renal, thyroid(오래사용시 저하), EEG, CBC 2021. 6. 17. 이전 1 ··· 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 ··· 61 다음