기존에 게시글들 종합한 자료 입니다!!
추가 자료 필요하신 분은 댓글 달아주세요!!
다들 화이팅 하세요!!
● 반응
- assertive : 남의 권리를 침해하지 않고 나의 권리를 돌직구로 말함, ‘I' 중심
- aggressive : 공격적인
- passive
- passive aggressive
: assertive 찾기위해 나머지 소거
● Mental status exam
1, general description : (총체적으로) 환자의 외양, 모습, speech, motor, interaction 등
2, emotional state : mood(self-report), affect(labile-flat,변덕)
3, Experience : perception(hallucination, illusion)
4, thinking
- content(what) : delusion, false fixed belief
- though process(how) : flight of idea(비약)
5, sensorium & cognition :
- LOC : T/P/P
- memory : recent(~2wk)/remote
- concentration & calculation : (100-7)
- Information & Intelligence : 속담풀이
- Judgement : 집에 갔더니 연기가 났다 어떻게 할래? 119신고
- insight : 현재 상황에 대한 인식
● schizophrenia
positive : normal function 과다(clong association : 리듬감, 강세주는어투)
negative : Loss, A-(Alogia,무언어증/anhedonia,무쾌감증/avolition,무의무/atentional impariment,집중↓,affective flattering)
● seasonal affected disorder(계절성우울증)
- hypersomnia(과수면), lethargy(무기력), fatigue, anxiety, wt gain, appetite↑
- Phototherapy(멜라토닌), SSRI, 충분한 sleep etc.
●Neuroleptic malignant syndrome(신경근이완제악성증후근)
- fever, rigidity(muscle), HR↑, incontinence(실금), sweating, tremur, leukocytosis(백혈구증가증)
- D/C med, 대증요법, muscle relaxant(dantrolene)
● Aggressive behavior
- self-awareness, Pt education, Assertive-training
- communiation(verbal, non-verbal)
- Enviromental change
- behavior action
- 약물
- crisis management
- seclusion(격리)
- restraint(chemical, physical)
● 비밀엄수 vs 보호
Duty to warn, protect ↔ confidenticality
- vague threat(막연한), specific threat(구체적인)
→ ethic community, 의사 및 팀과 의사소통, 간호사 고지의 의무 X, 3자에게 알릴의무 X
● Eating disorder
AN,BN 공통점
- major disoder, dysthymia(기분저하증)
AN(Anoreixa Nervosa, 신경성 식욕부진) | BN(Bulimia nervosa, 폭식증) |
음식 관심 多 OCD(obsessive compulsive disorder) 강박장애 ex) 모델, 발레리나 등 |
anxiety disorder PTSD, substance abuse(alcohol, med등) antisocial disorder |
13~20y intense, irrational belief(body) appetite denial metabolic, endocrine amenorrhea(무월경) osteopresis cold intolerance brady cardiac constipation acid base, fluid imbalance lanugo wt ↓ 안먹어서 문제 |
15~18y(17~25y) vomiting, laxative, diuretic abuse hypokalemia(구토해서) muscle weakness (DTR↓) gastric esophageal bowel abnormalities erosion(피부병변) callus(굳은살) 먹고 토해서 문제 |
강제입원 oral potassium -> K 2.5↓ HR 110↑, 45↓ 3month 이내 25% wt↓ BT 36.0↓ SBP 70↓ dehydration 심한 |
Antipsyclotics | SSRI | ||
Acute | Relapse 방지 | ||
AN | X | X | modest = slight |
BN | X | considerable | modest = slight |
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