기존에 게시글들 종합한 자료 입니다!!
추가 자료 필요하신 분은 댓글 달아주세요!!
다들 화이팅 하세요!!
● Sulfa계열(광범위항생제, UTI 때 자주 사용, 잘 들음)
-BMD, nephrotoxicity, photosensitivity
복용법 : empty stomach
상승 효과
- warfarin, sulfonyluria(당뇨약, gli-,gly-), penytoin
cross react(알러지)
- sulfonyluria, thiazide, loop
● Nitrofurantoin
- long term UTI
- S/E) : G-I distress(with meal), pul reaction → stop(2~3일 뒤 소실), BMD, peripheral neuropathy
- urin-brown(기대증상)
● 반코마이신 S/E
- ototoxicity : tinnitus
- nephrostoxicity
- G-I distress
- photosensitivity
- K↓
- redman syndrome(IV투여시 60분이상 천천히 투여)
●골다공증med : ~dronate
- G-I(esophagitis)
- bone joint pain(jaw)
- empty stomach with 물
- sit 30min after
● Epogen : BM자극 hemoglobin 생성
- Hb 12이상 시 hold : clot에 의한 sudden death 가능
● psyllium
: bulk forming laxative(변 부피↑), mild laxative 물 섭취 多 필요
● raloxifene
- 골다공증 약 : non bisphosphonate 계통 SERM, 공복에 복용
- antiestrogen 역할 : Hot flush 사라지지 X, Breast cancer 예방 및 화학요법
● DMARD's 자가면역치료제(ex 류마티스 등)
- Adalmumab, Etenercept, Infliximab
● baclofen : skeleton muscle relaxaion(근골격계 이완, 진통)
● Clonidine : BP↓
● tyrenol overdose : 4g/d
- GERD : pantoprazole, 40mg/d, Max 240mg/d
- atorvastatin(고지혈증) : 10~20mg/d, Max 40mg/d
- metformin(당뇨약) : 500mg BID/d, 850mg QD/d
- Isinopril(ACE inhibitor) : 20~40mg/d
● metformin(당뇨약)
- Cr(0.6~1.3) 정상
- lactic acidosis주의(kidney function)
- angiography 48hr 전/후 중단 → 신장과부화(lactic acidosis)
- 500mg BID/d, 850mg QD/d
● Mg 투여
- siezure 예방
- CNS depression : DTR↓(+2가 정상/ 0,+1 : hyporeflex / +3,+4 : hypereflex), RR↓주의관찰7
● Metronidazole
기대증상 : metallic taste, uring dark, reddish brown
- G-I, N/V/D, with milk, meal
- nephrotoxicity
- neurotoxicity(peripheral neuropathy) : notify if numbness, tingling → conversion
- disulfiram같은 효과 : 술 끊는약(심한 두통) X alcohol
- Allergic reaction
- X preg, breat feeding
● PUD med (Peptic ulcer disease)
Antiacid : neutrolize HCl
- Mg : S/E diarrhea
- Ca : S/E constipation
- Al : S/E constipation
- NaHCO3 : S/E metabolic alkalosis
mucosal protectant
H2 antagonis(~tidine) : HCl 분비↓
proton pump inhibitor(~prazole) : HCl 분비↓
● Thrombolytic
- intracranial, spinal OP 2month 이내
- thoracic, Pelvic, abd OP 10day 이내
- Hx of hepatic, renal Dz
- uncontrolled HTN
- Alteplase
- Tenecteplase
- Drotrecogin alfa
MI 4~6hr 이내 투여 : 투여 후 bleeding 관찰
CVA(cerebrovascular accident) 3hr 이내 투여 : BP↓, RR↑, PR↑, BT↑
● Heparin, Warfarin
Heparin | warfarin |
기대효과) PTT 28~35 sec INR 1.5~2.5배 antidote : protamin sulfate |
기대효과 PT 11~12.5sec INR 1.5~2배 antidote : Vit K preg. 금기 4G : ginseag, ginko, garlic, ginseag ↑ clot factor : 2,7,9,10 작용 onset : 12~24hr peak : 1.5~4d duration : 3~5d q3 month f/u 피검사 필요 |
wafarin, heparin : INR(0.8~1.2sec)
● enoxaparin : heparin 유사제
- SQ, antidote(protamin sulfate), pork allergy (투여 X)
● sulfonylurea(당뇨약)
- glimepried, glipizide, glyburide
- N/V/D, HA, hepatotoxicity, photosensitivity, disulfiram 효과(alcohol X)
cross act) sulfa 항생제
● antiplatelet(clopidogel)
- stroke, MI, unsatble angina
- G-I distress(with meal, QD)
- hepatotoxicity(LFT f/u)
- bleeding(hold 5~7d before operation)
- not with PPIs(~prazole) 약효과 감소시킴
● loop diuretics
- Bumetamide, furosemide(lasix)(onset : 5min / peak : 30min / duration : 2hr)
- Na, K, Ca, Mg ↓
- PLT↓
- ototoxicity
- photosensitivity
- morning with food (밤에 복용시 수면 방해)
- K↓ : digoxin, lithium toxicity 주의
- K 多 : baked potato, avocado etc.
● thiazide(~thiazide)
- K, Na↓, Ca↑, glucose↑(인슐린 민감도↓)
- photosensitivity
- K : digoxin, lithium toxicity 주의
- cross react with sulfa
- BUN/Cr : UO
- take with food(아침)
● K retaining diuretics
- amiloride, spironolactone(Aldacton), Triamterene
- G-I distress(with meal)
- photosensitivity
● ACE inhibitor(~pril)
- HF, HTN 적용
- steroid의 반대작용(Na+H2O ↓, K↑)
- HF
- angioedema(얼굴, 눈), allergic react 비슷(ER) Tx) antihistamine, epinephrine, steroid
- dysrhythmia, nephrotoxicity
- BP↓, BST↓, taste↓(입맛↓)
- K↑, PR↑, BMD, HA, Dz, fatigue
- insomnia
- persistence cough : ARB's(유사약) ~sartan
- empty stomach, crushing 가능
- preg X
● CCB(~dipine)
- diltiazam, verapamil
- Ca(말초혈관수축), CCB(말초혈관이완, 심수축력 약화)
- vasodilation, ↓ cardiac contractility, slow SA-AV conduct(서맥)
- A-fib, flutter, HTN, unstable angina
- dysrhythmia
- peripheral edema
- hepatotoxicity
- G-I distress
- ↓BP(SBP 90↓ noti), ↓PR(50↓ noti)
- HA, Dz, confusion, drowsiness
- with or without food, but! 같은시간에 복용 crush X, grape X
interact med)
- CCB가 med효과를 ↑는 약들 : theophyll~, β-blocker, digoxin, lithium, cyclosporin, ~statin, steroid
- CCB의 효과를 올려주는 med : cimetidine, H2 blocker
● β-blocker(~lol)
β1 : 심장자극 blocker : HR↓(50↓ stop)
β2 : bronchodilator blocker : bronchospasm(caution Asthma)
- HTN, prevent migraine HA
- bronchospasm (caution Asthma)
- mask Sx of hypoglyemia (DM 주의)
- impotence, libido↓
- avoid OTC, alcohol
- 식사전, 자기전(같은시간), crush괜찮
● α : 말초혈관수축
α-blocker : 말초혈관이완, doxazosin
Tx) for BPH(생식기순환↑)
- tarchycardia
- GI N/D/V/C
- drowsiness
- nasal congestion
- edema, wt gain
- HA, dry mouth
- nightmare
● digoxin
- cardiac contractility↑, pump 수축력↑ : CO↑, UO↑, HR↓(noti 60↓)
- HF, cardiogenic shock, A-fib, A-flutter
- vent. dysrhythmia
- kidney dz
- K↓ 지연 toxicity
- HA, drowsiness, confusion, BP↓
- dysrhythmia
- G-I(A/N/V/D~~)
- neuro(특히 시신경, blurred vision, halo vision)
- 절대 mix X
- q12hr
- empty stomach
- pulse Infant 100↓, Toddler90↓, child↓ (hold)
- refil(2일전에는 미리준비)
- 정확한 용량 투여위해 syringe
- digoxin toxicity(K↓) : visual disturbance, G-I distress
● NTG 혈관확장제
acute) : sl, spray, IV
chronic) : PO(imdur), patch, ointment
- sting(찌릿), burn(후끈) : 정상(fresh), 5분간격/3회
- 차광병 보관, expire 6month
- HA(발현시 tyrenol복용), orthostatic hypotension, Dz, weakness, N/V, confusion, hepatotoxicity(alcohol X)
- ↑ effect of β-blocker(~lol), diuretics, CCB(~dipine), 혈압약 : BP↓ 주의
- 10~12hr 정도 patch fee hour 필요, prevent tolerance (주로 낮에 붙임, stress 多 )
붙이는 순서 (patch류들 다 이럼)
1) clean & dry skin
2) remove old patch
3) apply new patch & press palm 10 sec
4) date & time 기록
- 가슴, 복부, thigh 등(움직임↓, 흡수속도떄문), 털없는곳
● Nesiritde(Natracor) : vasodilator
indiacation) : HF
S/E) : BP↓, dysrhythmia, Dz, confusion, insomnia
● amiodarone
indication) : A-fib,flutter, V-tach,fib, SVT(supraventricula tachycardia) : 빠른 부정맥
- bradycardia
- N/V
- pul. fibrosis(dyspnea, cough)
- photosensitivity
- corneal deposit(각막침전물)
- hepatotoxity
- peripheral neuropathy
- blurred vision
● Dopamin : adrenargic (CO↑ → UO↑)
α : vasoconstraction : BP↑
β1 : cardiac stimulation : PR↑
- BP↑, BP↓(너무 자극되서 부정맥), PR↑(palpitaion)
● ~statin : chol synthesis↓ In liver(주로 밤에 합성→ evening에 복용)
HMG-CoA(cholesterol 전구체, 환원효소)억제
- G-I(N/V/D/C)
- blurred vision(cataract)
- photosensitivity, photophobia
- hepatotoxicity
- muscle toxicity
- not with grape fruit
- X alcohol, preg
● orlistant : 살빼는 약, manage obesity
- lipase inhibitor( with each meal)
- fat free, skip meal시 복용 X
- low fat diet (30%↓)
- vit. mineral ↑
- 2hrs apart 다른 약
● ezetimibe(zetia) : 소장에서 chol 흡수억제
- 공복에 복용
S/E) : G-I distress
● cholestyramine(questran) : LDL, chol ↓ 역할, bind with bile in GI
- QD or BID (식사랑 상관 X 복용), pruritus ↓ 효과도 있음, preg X
S/E) : N/V/C, PUD, steatorrhea, vit K↓(bleeding,tarry stool)
● migraine pain med
abate, Sx) PRN)
- ~triptan
- vasodilator, inflammation↓, pain transmission↓
- SQ, nasal spray, oral多(repeat가능 2hr 증상완화X)
- preg, MI, chest pain X (brest feeding 가능, but SQ인 경우 8hr 간격)
- 같이 사용 X : SSRI, MAOI inhibitor, St joint herb
예방적 prevent
- ~Inderal(SSRI, TCA)
● methylphenidate(Ritalin)
- ADHD med : CNS stimulant (norepi-,dopamin 영향)
- 아침에 복용(insomnia)
- with meal or before meal
- Wt 주기적으로 측정(성장문제)
● benzodiazepine계
- antianxiety : CNS GABA↑ 진정효과
- short term(2wk)
- CNS depression : drowsiness, sedation, dizziness, ataxia(운동실조)
S/E) : dry mouth, blurred vision, constipation, urine retention (antilcholinergic, 정신과약 대부분)
- antagonist : flumazenil(IV)
- ~zepam(lorazepam etc.), ~zolam(alprazolam etc.)
● non-benzo계
- zolpidem, busprione : dependent X(장기사용 가능, 3wk정도 사용해야 효과 발현)
● 자몽(grape fruit) X med
- barium, SSRI, 항경련제(tegretol)
- CCB, ~statin, amiodarone, cyclosporin(면역억제제), antiviral(~vir)
● SSRI : fluoxetine, paroxetine, citalopram, sertraline, fluvoxamine, escitalopram
● morphine
S/E) : CNS depression : DTR, BP, RR ↓ (12회 이하면 길항제:알케인)
● Lithium
- mood stablizer
- PO ( IV X)
- 하루 2·~3회
- GI 흡수 / kidney 배출
- not addicted(장기간 사용 가능)
- thyroid방해(6~18month사용시 hypothyrodism가능)
- 1~2wk 뒤 효과(shorterm으로 haloperidol과 같이 사용)
- Na과 경쟁관계(Na 평소대로 섭취) / peanut butter Na多
- 물 2~3L
- preg X / breast feeding O
- body image : wt. gain
- cardiac : EKG
- CNS : fine motor tremor, fatigue, HA, lethargic, dullness
- Skin : acne
- Endo : hypothyroidism
- renal : polyuria, polydipsia, edema
- GI : irritation(anorexia), abd.cramp, mild N/V/diarrea
- 조혈방해 : CBC 초기 자주 이후 q3month f/u
lithium 신장 재흡수↑or분비↓ | toxicity↑ | diuretic SSRI(fluroxetine) NSAIDs |
재흡수↓or분비↑ | 효과↓ | acetazolamide(고산병) aminophyline(이뇨제) sodium bicarbonate salt intake↑ |
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