전체 글766 [N-clex] thiazide(~thiazide) S/E) - K, Na↓, Ca↑, glucose↑(인슐린 민감도↓) - photosensitivity - K : digoxin, lithium toxicity 주의 - cross react with sulfa - BUN/Cr : UO - take with food(아침) 2021. 6. 24. [N-clex] loop diuretics - Bumetamide, furosemide(lasix)(onset : 5min / peak : 30min / duration : 2hr) S/E) - Na, K, Ca, Mg ↓ - PLT↓ - ototoxicity - photosensitivity - morning with food (밤에 복용시 수면 방해) - K↓ : digoxin, lithium toxicity 주의 Diet) - K 多 : baked potato, avocado etc. 2021. 6. 24. [N-clex] antiplatelet(clopidogel) indicate) - stroke, MI, unsatble angina S/E) - G-I distress(with meal, QD) - hepatotoxicity(LFT f/u) - bleeding(hold 5~7d before operation) - not with PPIs(~prazole) 약효과 감소시킴 2021. 6. 23. [N-clex] 재난간호 - 3d water 1Gallon/person/d (replace q3mon) - 3d non-perishable food (replace q6mon) - 1st aid kit - prescription drug(adequate supply) - battery radio - flash light - ID - emergency contact - meeting place - allergy, medical information 2021. 6. 23. 이전 1 ··· 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 ··· 192 다음