전체 글766 [N-clex] SLE(systemic lupus erythematosus, 루푸스병) Tx) - topical, systemic corticosteroid - Aspirin, NSAIDs - Immunosuppressent - 증상완화 2021. 6. 23. [N-clex] hypothy roidism Sx) - apathy, lethargy, weakness - muscleache, paresthesia - intolerance to cold - anorexia, wt.gain(대사↓) - dry skin, hair - loss of body hair - V/S↓, constipation(G-I↓) - puffness(푸석푸석), edema around eyes - forgetfulness(자주 잊음), CHF, chol↑ - nails : think & brittle (hyper : thin & brittle) - hoarseness(husk voice) - anemia - bruise easily - amenorrhea / menorrhagia (반복) 2021. 6. 23. [N-clex] syphillis(매독) Sx) painless skin lesion(chancre, 하감) 2021. 6. 23. [N-clex] TSA(Transsphenoidal Sublabial Adenoidectomy) Cx) - ICP↑ : HOB↑ - CSF leakage : leak시 glucose check → (+) BR, noti(감염위험), 대부분 저절로 닫힘 - DI(ADH↓) : UO↑, USG↓, dehydration(Na↑) - swelling(일시적) - visual disturbance - swelling(일시적) 2021. 6. 23. 이전 1 ··· 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 ··· 192 다음