전체 글766 [N-clex] sputum culture 순서 1) early morning before drink or eat 2) rinse mouth with 물 (입안 헹구기, 검체 오염방지) 3) DB & cough(깊은) 4) collect specimen : 5~10cc 5) lab immediately 2021. 6. 23. [N-clex] 전립선 암 risk factor - BRCA, BRCA2(BRCA 변형 유전자) - African - multiple sexual partners(expose to STD) - fat↑, fiber↓ - smoke - alcohol 2021. 6. 23. [N-clex] Amputation S/E) - edema, swelling, contraction(의족적응에 제한) Tx) - ~24hr : elevation(edema&swelling 예방) - 24hr~ : flat, elastic compress(edema&swelling 예방) contraction 예방 - AKA(above knee amputation) : hip joint (prone position, 3~4회/d, 20~30min) - BKA(below knee amputation) : knee joint (sitting position) 2021. 6. 23. [N-clex] central line airembolism - disconnect or air : clamping cath, Lt.trendelenburg position 2021. 6. 23. 이전 1 ··· 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 ··· 192 다음